Join moondream!

About Us

M87 Labs is building a one-stop hub for multimodal apps that run everywhere. We focus on bridging the gap between the incredible pace of innovation in the AI ecosystem, and the relatively slower pace of adoption we're seeing in the real world by making it dead simple for developers to incorporate intelligence into their applications. We are not an AGI lab – we're laser-focused on making it incredibly easy for developers to use AI today.

Moondream, our open-source vision-language model is sub-2B parameters (meaning it can run anywhere), yet beats state-of-the-art models four times its size on the benchmarks we think matter to developers. And we're just getting started – we have a lot more in the works.

We're based in Seattle, but are open to remote for exceptional candidates. We're still a tiny team, and we're looking for founding members to join us on our journey. Our criteria is simple: we look for smart people who get things done and work well with others. Interested?

Open Roles

AI Engineer

Join @vikhyatk on our quest to build the world's best tiny multimodal models. We're looking for pragmatic engineers who prefer building AI that works for customers vs writing whitepapers. In this role you will be expected to handle all phases of model development, from exploratory research to training data wrangling, to lots and lots of training refinements. We have openings both in junior and senior roles.


  • PyTorch, Triton, CUDA, and a lot of other tools and scripting.

Platform Engineer

You are a generalist that can work across our stack to build efficient and reliable distributed apps. You know your way around designing, building, deploying, and debugging distributed apps. We expect you to have a wide set of skills, but also the ability to learn and master new ones quickly. We're still early in our journey, and expect you to help us design our ideal future tech stack. We currently run a lot of Elixir and Phoenix, but you don't necessarily need experience in those – we're happy to teach you. It's helpful if you like functional programming though. You will be responsible for building the backend for our analytics dashboards, usage based billing and model playgrounds.


  • Elixir, Phoenix, Postgres, more.

Frontend/Fullstack Engineer

Do you have high standards when it comes to user interfaces, and get easily disappointed and annoyed when dealing with crappy designs? We want to talk to you! We're looking for candidates with great judgment and solid design skills. We expect you to be self-starter and have the ability to learn new front-end and middle-tier technologies quickly. We work in Phoenix and Elixir, with a lot of plain ol' HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We're not against the use of React or similar frameworks - it's just that we haven't had a need for it yet. You will be responsible for developing our website and user registration and dashboard capabilities, as well as many other upcoming (and still stealth/secret) features.


  • Phoenix framework, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • UX Design Skills are not a must, but a huge plus

What we offer at M87 Labs

  • A fast-paced, impact-oriented workplace
  • Work-life balance
  • Competitive salary and early-founder-level equity
  • Employee-friendly equity terms (early exercise, extended exercise)
  • Possible remote work
  • Best in class health, dental, and vision insurance (US)
  • Accountable and transparent leadership

To Apply: